Recent article published in Newspaper about the achievement of this great politician.
- The UPA government proclaimed a package worth around Rs. 8000 crores for in general progress of Bundelkhand district, increase across 14 districts of UP and MP. I yet headed an allocation that met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to convey this area on the advance radar. After visiting the district, I was stunned to see the situation of deprived farmers.
Conversation of the requirement of increasing educational amenities in the nation, lots of technological and expert institutions have been set up. Even in my community, the Amethi-Rae Bareli area, many technological and instructive foundations have been set up. I have forever preserved that the major diversity between the well-off and the poor is due to accessibility of learning amenities. English is the strength for young people in India and, lacking it, the IT revolt would not have happened.Requirement of inside party democratic system. It’s a restriction for the prospect of democratic system in India. We must try to fetch modifications in the system. As congress general secretary in accusation of its youth divisions, I started managerial voting’s for the Indian youth congress and NSUI.
- Funds destined for poor public do not reach them. Our former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi used to utter that out of Rs. 100 sent, only 10 paise reaches the poor.
- Monitories difference has appeared as a huge deficiency for the implementation of our democracy. The gap among the rich and the poor is expanding by the day. I have raised these matters on numerous junctures. In Orissa previous year I said present should be suitable preparations for public suffering from engineering actions, like the Adivasis who were relocated due to removal in the Niyamgiri hills.
- We were bountiful too much significance to Pakistan. It does not be eligible for yet half the concentration we give it.
- Much focal point must be specified to ever-increasing seats in universities and scenery up extra universities and colleges. By doing so, public will chat fewer about condition.
- Uttar Pradesh gave encouraging outcome in the 2009 Lok Sabha votings where the party won 21 seats. I believe the 2012 congregation elections will be a vast chance for the party to illustrate its potency.