Varun Gandhi can never reinstate Rahul Gandhi. He does not emanate the
same political awareness, principles or appeal as Rahul Gandhi does. His vocal thoughts alongside Muslims may have set him vast fame for a short period, but this has added extra names to the index of his antagonism than to his follower listing. If you cannot draw public, you can go nowhere in political beliefs. Furthermore, parental power does create a variation in the politics of India in the present day. As Sonia Gandhi is virtually organization the country nowadays, Menaka Gandhi is simply identified as a follower of peta, and is a small ornament in the political world.
Captivating all these stages into contemplation, I don’t think Varun Gandhi can forever take place of Rahul Gandhi. Varun Gandhi will not at all reach what Rahul has previously achieved .i.e. a superior likeness in mind of general man. I am not a supporter of any party but the way Rahul Gandhi works, attracted me towards his appearance in the politics and might be we are getting the Rajiv Gandhi back in Rahul Gandhi. He tried to obtain the hindutva matter only to get attractiveness. In all probabilities, he tried being an important person, and that he is not.
Rahul is a lot more grown-up traits. He will definitely mount up a huge way.
However, there are various young politicians and are better than Rahul, but what they need is "Gandhi". Rahul is a famous human being. He is connected with Sonia and Rajiv Gandhi, and also he has through decent things in Raibareli. However, for Varun, he is only connected to Menka Gandhi. Another point to notice is that he has committed in one debate, which is the main depressing point in which he can't move toward the Rahul. In the previous ballot vote if the Rahul wishes, he can become a cabinet parson; however, he starved of to get the position. Sonia and Rahul Gandhi together is awfully pleasant.

Captivating all these stages into contemplation, I don’t think Varun Gandhi can forever take place of Rahul Gandhi. Varun Gandhi will not at all reach what Rahul has previously achieved .i.e. a superior likeness in mind of general man. I am not a supporter of any party but the way Rahul Gandhi works, attracted me towards his appearance in the politics and might be we are getting the Rajiv Gandhi back in Rahul Gandhi. He tried to obtain the hindutva matter only to get attractiveness. In all probabilities, he tried being an important person, and that he is not.
Rahul is a lot more grown-up traits. He will definitely mount up a huge way.
